Melbourne Grand Prix

This week the circus, I mean Grand Prix, came to town! Melbourne has cast a strange spell over me and I have attended three different sporting events since I arrived here three months ago. That’s more sport than at least the previous year, if not two. But the Grand Prix is more than a sporting event. There was Tony Hawk and his friends showing off skate boarding, there were acrobats, there was a driving school for children. It’s a show. I was quite surprised at how interesting I found it. Thursday was a free community day and I was off work so I have actually been twice!

The top five photos are a mixture of Thursday when I went and today when Phil came and it was the ‘real race’. The cars have new rules this year and the F1 cars are actually pretty quiet compared with the V8 cars I watched on Thursday. Another time I will make a top five of Tony Hawks and his friends as the skateboarding was equally as impressive as the cars. Until tomorrow!

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